
Showing posts from February, 2020

Nolte: Poll Shows Trump Earns More than Twice as Much Trust as Media

Morning Consult did an extensive, in-depth poll looking at trust, and it found that trust in President Trump is more than twice that of the news media. The question is, Do you trust X-Brand “a lot to do the right thing.” The media ranked a dismal 16 out of 20, with just eight percent saying they trust media “a lot to do the right thing.” Trump landed right in the middle of the pile in 12th place, as 20 percent said they trust him “a lot to do the right thing,” which more than doubles the media. No brand was able to inch over 50 percent. In fact, only one brand hit 50, and that was “Your primary doctor.” The survey was taken over a three month period at the end of last year and based on 16,700 interviews of U.S. adults. It was released earlier this year. Here are the top five… 1.Your primary doctor – 50 percent 2.The military – 44 percent 3.Amazon – 39 percent 4.Google – 38 percent 5.Extreme weather warnings – 36 percent The bottom five are just as fascinating… .16.Capitali

DIMARTINO: How Venezuela Went From A Rich Nation Of Immigrants, To A Hungry Nation Of Refugees

It was February 7, 1956 when the Vera Cruz Vessel sailed from the port of Vigo in northern Spain. Among its 800 passengers was my grandfather, Vicente Novo. Like everyone on that ship, he left everything behind in his homeland to pursue his dreams in a more prosperous country. In this land of opportunity, he and the other passengers found jobs, started businesses and raised families – all while sending money back to their hungry families in Europe. But this newfound land of opportunity wasn’t the United States of America. It was my home country: Venezuela. It’s hard to believe now, but in 1950, Venezuela was the fourth-richest country on earth. Tragically, over the course of the next six decades, Venezuela was transformed from a prosperous nation of immigrants to a devastated and poor land full of people in need of refuge. Vicente hadn’t even finished elementary school when he immigrated to Venezuela. Yet, in that thriving nation, he found a job in a car garage that allowed him to s

Don Jr. Condemns Democrat Call to Violence Against Him, Calls for Apology

Andrew Surabian, a former White House official and spokesman for Donald Trump Jr., released a statement Friday after Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) threatened Trump Jr. on MSNBC. Surabian released the following statement, saying Garamendi’s comments “were beyond the pale”: The outrageous remarks from Congressman Garamendi were beyond the pale and should be universally condemned by Republicans and Democrats alike. Almost as outrageous as the Congressman’s comments was the lack of pushback or condemnation from MSNBC host Hallie Jackson, whose silence about political violence aimed towards a member of the first family, was truly deafening. By threatening Don Jr. with physical violence on national TV, Congressman Garamendi made clear to everyone watching that he is better suited to represent Antifa than the people of California’s 3rd Congressional district. He should apologize immediately. Garamendi’s remarks were made after he was asked by MSNBC host Hallie Jackson to respond to Trump Jr.’

Rep. Nunes: Flynn ‘Targeted’ Because He wanted to ‘Empty Out’ the Intelligence Community ‘Swamp’

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Friday vowed to hold people “accountable” for spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, saying GOP lawmakers will do everything in their power to provide the U.S. Department of Justice with the evidence needed to convict anyone responsible. A December 2019 report from Michael Horowitz, the inspector general (OIG) at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), found that the FBI lied to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) wiretaps that enabled the federal investigation into Trump’s presidential campaign. The comments of Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, came during an event at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Friday titled, “The Coup: Spygate.” Nunes suggested that retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, was a casualty of the surveillance efforts by former President Barack Obama’s FBI, a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) component. “I think that

Ninth Circuit Reopens Border, Blocks Donald Trump’s ‘Return to Mexico’ Policy

The ACLU has persuaded three judges in the far-left Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to block the hugely successful ‘Migrant Protection Protocols’ border policy, even though the policy has played a critical role in reducing the inflow of migrants. The same panel also declared that border agents must process claims for asylum made by migrants who are caught trying to sneak over the border fence far from the formal Ports of Entry. John Sandweg told The timing couldn’t be much worse for the Administration,” according to President Barack Obama’s ICE director. “If this decision is going to trigger increased flows at the border, the coming months are the time of year when you would expect to see a spike in the numbers.” The two decisions — if accepted by a large panel of judges and by the Supreme Court — punch a nationwide hole through the border rules. The decisions will help the cartels, coyotes, and worldwide migrants to again cooperatively overwhelm U.S. border defenses and

Biden Says He ‘Became A Professor’ After Leaving White House — Made $775,000, Never Taught A Class

In yet another weird claim, Joe Biden now says he “became a professor” after he left the White House. During a campaign event in Georgetown, South Carolina on Wednesday, the former vice president said he “became a teacher, became a professor” instead of “taking a Wall Street job” when he left the White House in 2017. But teachers teach. Biden didn’t teach. Not one class. “The University of Pennsylvania did indeed make Biden the ‘Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor’ in 2017, but neither the school nor Biden expected him to teach any classes, according to comments at the time,” the Daily Caller reported. “He will not be teaching classes,” Biden spokesperson Kate Bedingfield said in 2017. One article at The Daily Pennsylvanian featured the headline “No One Is Really Sure What Joe Biden Will Be Doing At Penn.” UPenn announced Biden’s hiring on February 7, just a week after he left office, and by the end of February Biden’s role was “still uncertain” and “being ironed ou

Media Claims Trump Called Coronavirus A ‘Hoax.’ Here’s What He Actually Said.

While speaking at a rally in Charleston, South Carolina, President Donald Trump brought up the coronavirus and Democrats’ attempts to politicize the issue. Trump called those attempts a new hoax, but you wouldn’t know that from media headlines following the event. Here’s what Trump actually said: Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs, you say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue; they don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t count their votes! One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over. They’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. And this

Democrats In Florida Sue To Get Bernie Sanders Off The Primary Ballot

Two Democrats in Florida have filed a lawsuit to get Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) off the primary ballot, claiming that since he identifies as an Independent in the Senate, he is not really a Democrat and therefore should not be allowed on the ballot. The two men suing, veterans George Brown and Frank Bach, filed their lawsuit in Leon County, asking a court to intervene in the Democratic primary, The Associated Press reported. Sanders has emerged as the Democratic front-runner after wins in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada, where he picked up 45 delegates so far, nearly twice as many as his closes challenger, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg. “Defendant Sanders is clearly an Independent, and is clearly not a Democrat, by his own definitions. His current ‘day job’ is as a United States Senator and he has consistently, proudly asserted his service in that role as Independent,” Brown and Bach wrote in their lawsuit. Brown, 80, is a former member of the 101st Airborne Division of t

Oklahoma Lawmakers Block Plan to Give Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Aliens

A plan to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens failed to pass out of committee in the Oklahoma state House, with lawmakers overwhelmingly rejecting the measure. This week, Oklahoma lawmakers on the House Public Safety Committee voted 11-1 to reject a plan that would have provided eligible illegal aliens with state-issued driver’s licenses. Under the plan, illegal aliens residing in Oklahoma would have been eligible for a driver’s license if they proved their identity and age. Securing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens has been a nationwide initiative by the open borders lobby as part of an effort to prevent large populations of illegal aliens from ever being turned over to federal immigration officials and thus avoiding deportation from the United States. In New York, the latest state to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has had to block New York residents from using fast-track travel programs like Global Entry, which expedite

Steyer: Incompetent Trump Has ‘Already Blown’ Coronavirus Response — ‘Very, Very Late’

Democratic presidential hopeful Tom Steyer said Thursday on CNN’s “Situation Room,” that President Donald Trump and his administration’s response to the global outbreak of coronavirus was already a failure because he was “very, very late.” Blitzer asked, “If you were president right now, what would you be doing differently than the president?” Steyer said, “Well, let me say this, Wolf, the president has already blown this. He is very, very late. The first announcement of this publicly was at the end of December of last year. We’re at the end of February, and he is starting to focus on this. Honestly, that is way too late. He has already gutted the Centers for Disease Control.” He continued. “He should have been on this months ago. He should have been sending scientists to China. He should have been working to develop a vaccine. He should have been working with the National Institute of Public Health. This is a guy who thinks that this is a problem for his re-election and thinks it’s

AOC Pounds Table, Cites Her ‘Faith’ To Rail Against Conservative Christians’ ‘Bigotry And Discrimination’

During a House Oversight Committee hearing held Thursday on “The Administration’s Religious Liberty Assault on LGBTQ Rights,” far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) cited her own personal faith to attack conservative Christians who advocate for religious liberty, comparing them to slave owners and white supremacists and claiming that they lean on the First Amendment only to advance “bigotry and discrimination.” “I am experiencing this hearing, and I’m struggling whether I respond or launch into this question as a legislator or from the perspective of a woman of faith,” stated the radical congresswoman. “It’s very difficult to sit here and listen to arguments in the long history of this country of using scripture and weaponizing and abusing scripture to justify bigotry,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “White supremacists have done it, those who justified slavery did it, those who fought against integration did it, and we’re seeing it today.” The far-left congresswoman suggested Chri

Mexico Confirms Coronavirus Cases; Democrat-Appointed Judges Block Trump’s ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy

Two-Democrat appointed judges voted on Friday to block the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocol program, a policy that forces asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases are heard in the U.S., which came after news broke earlier in the day that Mexico had confirmed its first cases of coronvirus. The program, commonly referred to as “Remain in Mexico,” was designed to stop illegal immigrants from exploiting loopholes in the U.S. immigration system. The Washington Post reported: The Trump administration has claimed that the migrant families have been exploiting loopholes in U.S. law to secure their release, knowing of the court-mandated 20-day limit for detaining children. The MPP program was designed to prevent families from entering the United States and later skipping their court hearings to avoid deportation; instead, families have been sitting on the Mexico side of the border. … Judges Richard A. Paez and William A. Fletcher, both appointed by President Bill

Donald Trump Jr.: Media Coronavirus Panic a ‘New Level of Sickness’

Donald Trump Jr. condemned the establishment media on Friday for using panic over the coronavirus to bring down President Donald Trump. “For them to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people so that they can end Donald Trump’s streak of winning is a new level of sickness,” Trump Jr. said on Friday in an interview on Fox & Friends. Trump Jr. was reacting to a New York Times op-ed from Gail Collins titled “Let’s Call It the Trumpvirus.” “I don’t know if this is coronavirus or Trump Derangement Syndrome, but these people are infected badly,” he said. Trump Jr. recalled that the media mistakenly criticized his father for enacting a travel ban from foreign nationals from China in January to stop the spread of the virus in the United States. “They can have it both ways because no one in the media will ever cover themselves honestly,” he said. Trump Jr. said that the left and the establishment media are using the same tired old playbook to tr

Former NFL Star Jack Brewer to Trump: ‘You the First Black President’

Former Minnesota Vikings player Jack Brewer declared that President Donald Trump is “the first black president” during a White House event on Thursday celebrating Black History Month. “I gotta say this because it’s black history month: man, you the first black president.” Jack Brewer said, Bloomberg News’ Josh Wingrove reports. Brewer made the remarks in the Cabinet Room of the White House where President Trump hosted a roundtable event and addressed a group of roughly two dozen black civic and religious leaders. Jack Brewer, who helped fundraise for Barack Obama, made headlines last December when he said that President Trump had ignited “a tremendous awakening in the country” among black Americans. “Donald Trump will get over 20% of the black vote,” Mr. Brewer said in an interview with the Washington Times. “That is what’s going to win the election. Why? Because there hasn’t been a Republican to even try to go in and talk to the black community. They don’t go there. They don’t ev

UPDATE: Baltimore Mayor Sentenced To Multiple Years Behind Bars For Children’s Book Scam

After pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy and tax evasion in November, former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh has finally learned her fate. On Thursday, Pugh was sentenced to three years in prison in connection to her infamous “Healthy Holly” children’s book scandal, which brought yet more national attention on the embattled city and ultimately resulted in the Democratic mayor resigning in disgrace last May. After federal prosecutors recommended five years behind bars for Pugh, U.S. District Judge Deborah K. Chasanow ruled Thursday that Pugh, 69, would serve three years in prison and an additional three years of supervised released. “The disgraced former mayor was also ordered to pay $411,948 in restitution and to forfeit $669,688, including property in Baltimore and $17,800 from her Committee to Re-elect Catherine Pugh,” NBC News reported Thursday. After being elected in 2016, Pugh quickly came under scrutiny for multiple lucrative deals involving her children’s book, “Healthy

Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says He’ll ‘Appoint’ First Black Woman to the ‘Senate’

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday committed yet another gaffe on the campaign trail, pledging to “appoint” the first black woman to the “Senate,” seemingly forgetting that two black women have served in the upper chamber. “I’m looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate,” Biden, 77, said in a stump speech in Sumter, South Carolina, prompting cheers from supporters. Biden appeared to ignore that Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (D-IL) served as the first black female senator from 1993 to 1999, while Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was the second black woman to be elected to the upper chamber in 2017. Joe Biden: “I’m looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 28, 2020 The confusing statement comes after Biden promised to nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court if he wins the White House. “

California: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Arrested for Triple Homicide

A twice-deported illegal alien, accused of murdering three men in the sanctuary state of California, has been arrested by law enforcement officials. Jose Luis Torres Garcia, a 33-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was identified this week by Riverside County Sheriff’s Office in Southern California for allegedly murdering three men execution-style, as Breitbart News reported. The victims include 50-year-old Jaime Covarrubias Espindola, 38-year-old Jose Maria Aguilar-Espejel, and 28-year-old Rodrigo Aguilar-Esepjel. Garcia had been on the run, fleeing to Cheyenne, Wyoming, but was arrested by local authorities there when he was pulled over for a traffic stop. During his arrest, police found 15 pounds of marijuana in his vehicle. According to law enforcement, Garcia already has an active warrant for his arrest for allegedly drunk driving and a warrant for drug crimes before the murders. Though the illegal alien was previously deported from the U.S. twice, he returned to California at

CNN’s Angela Rye to Black Trump Supporters: ‘Shame On You’

Network political commentator Angela Rye said Wednesday on CNN’s “Tonight,” that African-American supporters of President Donald Trump should be ashamed. When asked about the Trump campaign’s outreach to Black voters, Tara Setmayer said, “Well, I think it’s smart of them to do this. They think — it’s true, he only needs a couple of percentage points. He over-performed last time with black voters that people didn’t see coming. He had better numbers than McCain did or Romney. It’s a smart play for them politically. They have the money to do it. How much impact it actually has remains to be seen. You know, how you do this, the way you message things makes a huge difference. The president does have criminal justice reform, at least as something tangible that he can go into these communities with. But that’s about it. Although the black unemployment, which we hear constantly over and over again, but I don’t know that Black America’s looking at this saying, ‘yeah, we want four more years of

Pollak: 5 Reasons to Stop Freaking Out About Coronavirus

Coronavirus is an “info-demic,” a panic caused by the spread of partial and often misleading information about a health risk, sometimes deliberately. The virus is real, and a small number of people have been infected. But it is going to pass. It is an unpleasant respiratory illness, but it is not an organ-destroying horror like Ebola. Precautions are being taken, a vaccine will emerge, and life will continue as usual. Here are five specific reasons to chill out. 1. Coronavirus is a familiar illness, and not as bad as others. It is from the SARS family — and less deadly. As Ha’aretz noted, “the mortality rate from the current disease ranges from 0.5 to 2 percent, and is significantly lower than the mortality rate from the 2002 SARS outbreak (9.5 percent) and much lower than the 2012 SARS outbreak (34.4 percent). It may even be close to the mortality rate from an ordinary flu outbreak in the United States.” 2. The U.S. response has been exceptionally good. There have only been 16 ca

Illegal Alien Fined $280 for Killing Two Law Enforcement Officers Still Driving Freely in U.S.

An illegal alien fined $280 for leaving two law enforcement officers dead after a negligent driving accident has since been driving freely in the United States, an investigation by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) finds. Roberto Garza Palacios, a 28-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, was given a slap on the wrist after he caused a car crash in December 2017 that immediately killed 33-year-old Sander Cohen, the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office deputy chief, and later left FBI agent Carlos Wolff, 36-years-old, dead at a nearby hospital. Palacios received a $280 fine for the deadly car crash, with prosecutors saying that the illegal alien’s killing of Cohen and Wolff did not constitute a “reckless disregard” for life. An investigation by IRLI reveals that since Cohen and Wolff’s deaths, Palacios has remained in the U.S. and has been driving freely with a driver’s license: IRLI has learned that after the deaths on I-270, Palacios faced a $30,000 bail that the judge i

‘BDS THIS’: Israel Makes ‘Exciting Breakthrough’ In Race For Coronavirus Vaccine

Israeli scientists are reportedly only a few weeks away from having developed the first vaccine to combat the coronavirus, which originated in China, and could have the vaccine available 90 days after that. “Congratulations to MIGAL [The Galilee Research Institute] on this exciting breakthrough,” Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis said, according to The Jerusalem Post. “I am confident there will be further rapid progress, enabling us to provide a needed response to the grave global COVID-19 threat,” Akunis said, referring to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. A team of scientists at MIGAL had been working for years on a vaccine against an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). “Our basic concept was to develop the technology and not specifically a vaccine for this kind or that kind of virus,” said Dr. Chen Katz, MIGAL’s biotechnology group leader. “The scientific framework for the vaccine is based on a new protein expression vector, which forms and secretes a chimeric

Hollywood Celebrity Calls For Americans To Shut Down Economy To Oust Trump

Hollywood celebrities say some dumb things, but we’d like to nominate this for dumbest all-time. Patricia Arquette, who describes herself on her Twitter page as “actress — activist — troublemaker,” is calling for Americans to conduct a one-day economic shutdown in order to damage the U.S. economy and hurt President Trump. The C-list actress posted a message to Instagram on Thursday to promote an event March 2. She told her 146,000 followers not to make any purchases for a 24-hour period. “A REMINDER: Please contact everyone you know. On Monday, March 2nd, there is an Economic Shutdown. #Shutitdown. It’s easy,” she wrote in her post. “DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY ON ANYTHING ANYWHERE. our goal is to cause a $238.2 billion dollar blip on the federal government’s records.” View this post on Instagram March 2 there is an economic shut down action. Don’t purchase anything on this day. #RESIST A post shared by Patricia Arquette (@patriciaarquette) on

Orthopedic Surgeon: Princess Diana Would Have Lived If It Weren’t For Socialized Medicine

Speaking at CPAC on Thursday on a panel discussion called “Prescription for Failure: The Ills of Socialized Medicine,” an orthopedic surgeon ripped socialized medicine, stating that Great Britain’s Princess Diana would still be alive today if she had not been in a country with socialized medicine when her car crashed. As PJ Media reports, Dr. David Schneider, an orthopedic surgeon from Colorado, referenced Congressman Steve Scalise, who introduced the panel. Scalise was critically wounded in June 2017 when he was shot by left-wing activist James Hodgkinson, resulting in Scalise going into shock before he was taken to Med Star Washington Hospital, where he underwent immediate surgery. Schneider opined that under socialized medicine, wait times for care “are disastrous.” PJ Media noted, “In Canada, the wait time to see a specialist is two years, and then another two years to get the procedure.” Schneider stated, “People in this country would go crazy if you were told you had to wait f

BREAKING: Trump Considers Invoking ‘Special Powers’ To Rapidly Combat Coronavirus

President Donald Trump is reportedly considering invoking special powers through a law that would allow the United States to rapidly and aggressively beef up its domestic manufacturing capabilities to combat the coronavirus. The Defense Production Act, which was “passed by Congress in 1950 at the outset of the Korean War, would mark an escalation of the administration’s response to the outbreak. The virus first surfaced in China and has since spread to other countries including the United States,” Reuters reported. “The law grants the president the power to expand industrial production of key materials or products for national security and other reasons.” The report noted that White House officials and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) were considering using the law to rapidly produce protective gear in preparation of a possible outbreak in the U.S. “Let’s say ‘Company A’ makes a multitude of respiratory masks but they spend 80% of their assembly lines on masks that painters wea

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Mike Pence: ‘What’s His Plan To Stop The Virus, Abstinence?’

On Wednesday night, comedian Jimmy Kimmel took aim at Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith once again, jokingly suggesting that he has no plan to stop the coronavirus other than engaging in superstitious nonsense like abstinence. During his opening monologue, Kimmel reacted to the news that President Donald Trump has tapped Mike Pence to combat the coronavirus, mockingly asserting that perhaps the president wants to kill Mike Pence by handing over such a task to him. “Didn’t it seem Pence didn’t know that was going to happen? ‘I hope the virus isn’t spread by kissing ass, because if it is, they’ve got the wrong guy!’ Seriously,” Kimmel said, as reported by Newsbusters. “Mike Pence is in trouble. Why is Mike Pence, why is Mike Pence in charge? What is his plan to stop the virus, abstinence? I think Trump might be trying to kill him, I really do.” The jokes prompted loud applause and laughter from Kimmel’s audience. Jimmy Kimmel, an avowed critic of President Trump, has previo