BREAKING: House Passes ‘Kate’s Law,’ Votes to Defund Sanctuary Cities

The House passed two immigration reforms today, marking a first big step towards a pro-American national immigration policy, despite strong Democratic opposition.
President Donald Trump applauded the two votes:

During my campaign, I met many grieving families who all had the same plea: lawmakers must put the safety of American families first. Today, I applaud the House for passing two crucial measures to save and protect American lives. These were bills I campaigned on and that are vital to our public safety and national security. The first bill, Kate’s Law, increases criminal penalties for illegal immigrants who repeatedly re-enter the country illegally. The bill is named for Kate Steinle, who was killed by an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times. Every year, countless Americans are victimized, assaulted, and killed by illegal immigrants who have been deported multiple times. It is time for these tragedies to end.

The second bill, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, restricts taxpayer grant money to cities that prevent their police from turning over dangerous criminal aliens to federal authorities. Sanctuary cities are releasing violent criminals, including members of the bloodthirsty MS-13 gang, back onto our streets every single day. Innocent Americans are suffering unthinkable violence as a result of these cities’ reckless actions. The House bill also includes what is known as Grant’s Law and Sarah’s Law. These provisions, which prevent the release of dangerous criminals awaiting removal proceedings, are named for two slain Americans whose parents I spent time with during the campaign.

The implementation of these policies will make our communities safer. Opposing these bills, and allowing dangerous criminals back into our communities, our schools, and the neighborhoods where our children play, puts all of us at risk.

Now that the House has acted, I urged the Senate to take up these bills, pass them, and send them to my desk. I am calling on all lawmakers to vote for these bills and to save American lives.

Nearly all Democrats opposed the bills, nearly all Republicans supported the bills.

According to the record, 24 Democrats voted for Kate’s law, three Democrats voted for the no sanctuary law.

Six Republicans voted against the sanctuary law and one voted against Kate’s law. Democrats applauded Michigan GOP Rep. Justin Amash for voting against both reform bills.

Amash did not post an explanation, except for this comment on his Twitter account.

California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa touted passage of the bills:

Fixing our broken immigration system starts by securing our border and enforcing our laws … Two years ago, Kate Steinle died needlessly at the hands of a criminal alien repeatedly deported and convicted of numerous felonies. Her death is made all the more devastating given how preventable it was, had our immigration laws been enforced. Sanctuary policies send a message that, in some of our communities, federal law can be ignored without penalty, and only make our broken immigration system even worse. Unfortunately, California has chosen to go down a path of seeking to ignore federal law, which I fear would further endanger law-abiding citizens like Kate. Passing these bills will help prevent future tragedies and take an important step in making our communities safer.

Immigration reform groups, including NumbersUSA and the Federation for American Immigration Reform, are also rallying Americans to pressure GOP and Democratic legislators for additional legislation, such as the Davis-Oliver bill, and for passage of the bills through the Senate.

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