CNN Expert Defends School Shooters Against President Trump

CNN’s well-documented, seemingly pathological hatred of President Donald Trump has now reached the point where the far-left cable channel will publish a story relying on experts who defend school shooters against Trump.

“In a tweet Thursday, President Donald Trump described someone who would shoot up a school as a ‘savage sicko,’” CNN reported last week, adding, “And at a White House briefing Thursday, the President again used the term ‘sicko.’”

To attack Trump over this, the news site quotes Diana Rose, one of the article’s “experts,” who defends the Parkland, Florida, killer with the risible claim that the president is “insulting” a mass-murderer.

“Rose said that calling the shooter a ‘sicko’ is ‘insulting’ and ‘mean-minded,’” CNN writes.

That is a direct quote from CNN — “calling the shooter a sicko is insulting and mean-minded.” Keep in mind that this CNN expert is not saying that calling the mentally ill names is detrimental to the mentally ill’s mental health, but she says that calling a school shooter names is insulting and mean. In other words, CNN’s go-to expert is defending a school shooter, a monster responsible for the deaths of 17 defenseless people, from insults and mean-mindedness.

Another CNN expert compares Trump’s use of the word “sicko” to using the N-word and adds that it is “disrespectful.”

“How helpful is calling a black person the n-word? Not only is it disrespectful, it fans racism,” Pat Corrigan told CNN.

Again, this CNN expert is not talking about the effect of name-calling on the mentally ill in a psychological or sociological sense. This is an expert scolding Trump for being “disrespectful” to school shooters; this is about condemning Trump for “insulting” a mass-murderer because it is akin to calling a black person the N-word.

CNN then appears to go so far as to ask us to sympathize with an alleged mass-murderer:

The shooter, Nikolas Cruz, struggled with depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism, according to a 2016 Florida Department of Children and Families report. But having a mental health diagnosis does not mean he would become violent, many experts say. And although Trump has said he wants to focus on mental health to stop school shootings, calling Cruz a “sicko” doesn’t help, those experts claim.

While CNN defends school shooters, elsewhere on the last-placed network, CNN is allowing the NRA to be smeared as “child murderers.”

The post CNN Expert Defends School Shooters Against President Trump appeared first on Conservative Fighters.

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