VIDEO: Bishop Aubrey Shines: Why I Stand with Laura Ingraham

Bishop Aubrey Shines says Fox News host Laura Ingraham is right to challenge Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James over his constant criticism of President Donald Trump, and argues that the NBA star should be applauding the president for bringing economic gains to black Americans.

Shines says it’s unfortunate that James labeled Ingraham racist after she told him to “shut up and dribble,” instead of talking about politics.

“LeBron used an expletive in describing the president, saying that PDJT doesn’t give a f*** about Americans, LeBron’s comments are racial in his overtones, as he is on record for not hiding this belief,” Bishop Shines said. “Just consider briefly had an American citizen who happened to be white used the athletic platform to espouse his or her believe that Barack Obama didn’t give a f*** about white Americans, they would’ve been ostracize by teammates/Owners/ media.”

“I wonder where was LeBron and those athletic buddies of his when former President Barack Hussein Obama led our nation and black people to historic heights, 58% increase in food stamps, poverty rate a few points away from 30%, instead of $2500 saving health-care/ hundred plus percent increase.”

Challenging James, Bishop Shines asked, “Lebron are you not aware of the economic success that the current president has already had among blacks in America? What about the overwhelming number of black female start-up businesses? What about the push for blacks to have choices where they send their children to school?”

Ingraham had initially lashed out at James after he said President Trump “doesn’t give a fuck” about people on the Uninterrupted Rolling With Champion podcast. The battle of words reached a fever pitch, Ingraham’s invitation to have James on her show went unanswered and Fox News released a statement from Laura Ingraham pushing back at her critics.

“You seem to dribble all over yourself, as well as, those that’s stand with you as it relates to the political party that either you willfully, or, ignorantly support?” Bishops Shines said. “Just in case you and your friends are unaware, the party that you publicly support, is the party that gave this country — especially blacks in this country: slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, Margaret Sanger who is a white eugenicist whose sole purpose was to destroy us through the abortion black children. Also, your DNC party fought against liberty and freedom for blacks, through voting and every other means.”

“Lebron, dr. King admonished us never to judge a person by the color of their skin but by the content of the character,” Bishop Shines said.

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