WATCH: Live Action’s Lila Rose Makes Three Important Points During Interview About Abortion
On Wednesday, Live Action founder Lila Rose appeared on Dave Rubin’s YouTube show for an hour-long discussion about abortion. Although the entire hour is well worth watching, there were three moments that stood out as particularly illuminating. Why Does Pain Make A Human? The first important exchange came when Rubin told Rose that before a fetus can feel pain, he would leave the decision regarding abortion with the mother. Rose then rhetorically asked Rubin why “pain” is where the line is drawn. RUBIN: I often describe myself as begrudgingly pro-choice. I think I view this probably as horrifically a choice as you do. You don’t think it’s a choice, per say, but I view the idea here as probably as horrific as you do. I don’t think that something at 18 weeks is not a life. So, when I discussed this with Ben Shapiro … my position at the time was that at 20 weeks, there is more than ample evidence that the fetus can start feeling pain, and I would view that up until that point … I would...