Ohio Democrats belittle Special Olympics kids to mock Barron Trump

The political rule about kids being off-limits is very selectively applied in general, and like other political boundaries under over the last few years, is especially subject to transgression if President Trump is involved.

Take the case of the Special Olympics, for example. Education Secretary Betsy Devos has been under fire from Democrats for days over Dept. of Education cuts that would affect funding for the organization that provides athletic opportunities and competition for for children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities.

Ostensibly the outrage is born of an abundance of compassion and caring regarding those opportunities and that mission. But for a few Ohio Democrats, it was more of an opportunity to take a shot at the President’s minor son.

Thomas LaDuke at RedState highlighted this week the Facebook postings of some prominent Democrats, including from Cuyahoga County, home of Cleveland, site of the 2016 Republican National Convention where Donald Trump accepted the party nomination. It is the second most populous county in the state, with a major urban center, and with a lot of the state’s powerful party members.

Those members include Former Cuyahoga County Council President C. Ellen Connally, also a former judge, who posted this on Facebook:

As Laduke notes at RedState, that incorrectly spelled reference was not the end of it. Not only were there similarly ugly replies from the Democrat politician’s followers, but from fellow party members.

Another lady who ALSO identifies as a judge in Ohio had this to add to Ellen’s dumb statement. Jocelyn Conwell could not wait to contribute this nugget in an already gross thread.
Here is that screenshot:

Laduke has more details here at RedState, including Conwell’s credentials.

This a two-fold offense on the part of these Ohio Democrats. In the first place, attempting to mock the minor child of a politician they oppose. That is occasionally considered off-limits in politics (those occasions mostly being when Democrats are the object of attack.)

In the second place, it is demeaning to the children adults who participate in the Special Olympics. By using participation in the games as a means to denigrate the President’s child, they are implicitly suggesting that there is something denigrating about being in the games.

Any parent who has a child participating in Special Olympics should be proud of their kid’s achievements, just like any other achievement, and insulted by those who think the games and the organization are a punch line in a political insult.

The post Ohio Democrats belittle Special Olympics kids to mock Barron Trump appeared first on Conservative Fighters.

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