WATCH: After Debate, MSNBC Polling Shows Democrats Way Out Of Touch With Other Americans

On Tuesday night, after the Democratic debate had featured a schism between some of the more “moderate” candidates and those to the left of them, such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT), MSNBC host and political correspondent Steve Kornacki showed how polls revealed how out-of-touch Democrat voters are with the rest of the country, and why they keep pushing the party to the left. All of that is sweet music to the Trump campaign, which has been working to paint the Democratic party as too far left for the rest of the country.

Kornacki began by noting, “Interesting that dynamic here talking about sort of the moderate candidates going after Warren, going after Sanders, and even sounding the alarm about electability; we’ve got some new data that’s out recently that measures some of these issues that came up, where Democrat voters are: the folks who are going to vote in the primary versus where general election voters are. There are some interesting divides here; his question of Medicare for all without private insurance. That was a major part of the debate tonight.

Kornacki showed the data showing 64% of Democratic voters thought that Medicare for All without private insurance was a good idea while only 31% disagreed. But when all Americans were asked, only 41% of them thought Medicare for All without private insurance was a good idea while 54% thought it was a bad idea.

When it came to decriminalizing illegal border crossings, the poll found that Democrats were split; 45% thought it was a good idea while 47% thought it was a bad idea. But among all general election voters, only 27% favored the idea while a whopping 66% disliked the idea.

Asked whether there should be a program that makes health insurance available to illegal immigrants, 60% of democrat voters thought it was a good idea, while 32% of them opposed the idea, but among general election voters across America, the opposite was true; only 33% supported the idea while 66% opposed it.

Regarding slavery reparations for black Americans, 46% of Democrats supported the idea while 40% opposed it, while among general election voters, only 27% thought it was a good idea while 62% disliked it.

Kornacki concluded, “So you see, those kind of moderate candidates; this is what they are trying to express on that stage, but when the energy on the Democratic side is somewhere else, that’s the power behind those comebacks that you heard from Warren and Sanders.”

A Marist poll conducted July 15-17 among over 1,300 Americans, 33% of whom identified as Democrats and 27% Republican, found that President Trump’s approval rating had risen to 44%; the highest previous number for Trump in the Marist poll was 43% in February 2019. 90% of Republicans approved of Trump’s performance, with 42% of independents agreeing and only 7% of Democrats. Those numbers approximated Barack Obama’s at virtually the same time in his tenure. Another crucial statistic that looked rosy for Trump: 52% of respondents said they approved of his handling of the economy. That compared quite well with Obama, who only reached that level until August 2009, seven months after he took office. After that, Obama never again reached that level, yet was reelected.

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