BREAKING: Washington Redskins Name Fights Ends – Here’s What Their Name Will Be…

For many months now, maybe even years, the left has slammed the Washington Redskins for their name, trying to claim it was politically incorrect and should be changed.

It got to the point that the when the team went to re-register their trademarks, the federal government refused. That’s when the court battles began. But since the Supreme Court recently decided a case in which a band called ‘The Slants’ could indeed use that name since it was part of the First Amendment Right, things have changed for the Redskins, as the the Associated Press reports:

The Justice Department is giving up the legal fight over the name of the Washington Redskins.

In a letter to a federal appeals court, the department said last week’s Supreme Court decision in Matal v. Tam in favor of an Asian-American band calling itself the Slants means the NFL team will prevail in a legal battle to cancel the team’s trademarks because the name is disparaging to Native Americans.

Redskins’ owner Dan Snyder said last week he was “thrilled” by the Supreme Court’s ruling, and lawyer Lisa Blatt said it resolves the team’s dispute and vindicated its position. Snyder has refused to change the name despite intense public pressure, saying in the past that the name “represents honor, respect and pride” for Native Americans.

This is another victory for the 1st Amendment and AGAINST the PC crowd who can’t seem to mind their own damn business.

There were a few Native Americans who claimed the term was offensive but the battle against the Redskins was mostly conducted by left-wing extremists. More Native Americans came out in support of the name than were actually against it.

Another day, another freedom kept in place.

The post BREAKING: Washington Redskins Name Fights Ends – Here’s What Their Name Will Be… appeared first on Conservative Fighters.

from News – Conservative Fighters


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