Kellyanne Unleashed — Conway Blasts CNN And ‘Morning Joe’ In Exclusive Interview

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway blasted CNN’s anti-Trump office culture on Friday and dismissed the idea that Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski is a victim of sexism, calling that idea “really rich just for any woman who works here” because of Brzezinski’s attacks on women in the Trump White House.

Conway spoke with The Daily Caller after James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released a video showing a producer for CNN’s Chris Cuomo saying that Conway “looks like she was hit with a shovel” and calling her an “awful woman.”

“On this guy from CNN, it’s part of a culture where it’s accepted if not applauded to ridicule the President of the United States and his senior staff. And I’m sure people at CNN are hoping that the long holiday weekend, and as many of them have described to me that the ‘lowly junior status’ of this fellow, is supposed to fade into the Independence Day fireworks,” she said.

“It is symptomatic of a culture whether it’s the screaming lower third (of the TV screen) or the constant merciless attacks on the president and his senior staff. In many ways he (CNN producer Jimmy Carr)) was just joining in on the fun. I’m waiting, waiting, waiting for someone there to stand up and express their outrage at a high-ranking woman at the White House being talked about in such ways.”

Conway also took time to note “Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski’s history of targeting women who work for President Trump.

Brzezinski became the center of a media firestorm on Thursday after President Trump said he wouldn’t spend time with her around New Year’s Eve because she was bleeding badly from a “facelift.”

Scarborough explained Friday that Brzezinski “did have a little skin under her chin tweaked, but this was hardly a state secret.”

Media coverage of Trump’s remarks portrayed it as the latest in a pattern of sexist comments that he has made. Conway dismissed the idea that the remark was sexist, explaining Brzezinski has a history of singling out women who work in the Trump White House.

Conway pointed to several remarks Brzezinski has made about her, including one where she referred to Conway as “politics porn.”

“When Mika said what she has said about me, I have not responded. All those things she’s said about me — ‘politics porn,’ ‘liar,’ ‘nothing honest about Kellyanne Conway’ — I haven’t responded to that, I haven’t shown the texts, I’ve sort of just sucked it up, swallowed it, dealt with the crying kids about it.”

“This whole idea that she’s some victim of sexism is really rich just for any woman who works here,” she continued.

Conway further added that the hysteria surrounding Trump’s tweets about Brzezinski and Scarborough is “a one-percenter’s conversation too.”

“Let’s be frank here, it’s a one-percenter’s conversation. I’m here for those people who need help, the women have no jobs, no healthcare, struggling with opioid addiction, whose kids have been murdered by illegal aliens who hadn’t been deported, had felony convictions — I’m here for all them, as is the president.”

The post Kellyanne Unleashed — Conway Blasts CNN And ‘Morning Joe’ In Exclusive Interview appeared first on Conservative Fighters.

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