Berkley Students Prefer the Islamic State Group’s Flag Over the American Flag

Filmmaker Ami Horowitz decided to visit the University of California, Berkely to do a social experiment. The reactions he got will surprise you.

Horowitz decided to see how the most liberal students of Berkely University would react to the American flag compared to the ISIS flag.

He started his experiment by waving the American flag on campus.

As you can see in the video below, he didn’t receive positive reactions from the people on campus.

The American flag “signifies military rule,” one older man told Horowitz.

“God is not proud of us,” one woman commented filmmaker.

“Your flag sucks, fool,” another woman stated.

The majority of students responded to Horowitz gesture by yelling “f*ck America.”

Anyhow, when he started waving the Islamic State group’s flag he received much more pleasant reactions from the students on campus.

“Good for you, man. Good for you,” one student said to Horowitz.

“I love that you’re saying that,” another commented.

According to some reports, the Islamic State group has called for the murder of President Trump young son, Barron Trump.

Horowitz stated that only one man was troubled by him waving the Islamic State group flag in the many hours he spent at the campus.

During a “Fox & Friends” interview Horowitz said the video is “reflective of the general sentiment” of his experience on Berkeley’s campus.

“With the American flag, for example, the vast majority of people that came up to me had an extraordinarily negative response,” Horowitz stated.

“Now to be clear, there were a few supporters,” Horowitz added. “But they were outweighed significantly by the anti-America sentiment.”

“Conversely, with the ISIS flag, the vast majority of the people who passed by … would say nothing,” he stated, saying that there were a few positive responses.

“One person in total rejected to it.”

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The post Berkley Students Prefer the Islamic State Group’s Flag Over the American Flag appeared first on Conservative Fighters.

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