Financial Records Released Proving Clinton Campaign Paid for the Dossier

The dossier created to undermine President Trump is just getting worse and worse for the Democrats.

Finally, evidence emerged linking Hillary Clinton and the DNC to the document.

Financial records released under a court order prove that the Democrats paid approximately million dollars to the Fusion GPS, the firm that helped collect the dossier.

There are 112 transactions involving Fusion GPS. Perkins Coie, the law firm that was representing the Clinton campaign and DNC, paid $1,024,408 to Fusion between May 24, 2016, and Dec. 28, 2016, according to those records.

But there is one key element missing, the transactions do not show a payment from Fusion to Christopher Steele, an ex-British spy who created the dossier. Reportedly Fusion paid $168,000 to Steele to write the dossier, from June till the election.

President Trump first made the suggestion that the dossier was paid by the Clinton campaign and the DNC, but his claims were mocked. And now it seems the president was right as always.

Fusion GPS’ founders are refusing to answer where the dossier came from and who paid to have it made.

Peter Fritsch and Thomas Catan pleaded ‘the Fifth’ to every question asked by the committee.

Just as a reminder, the questionable dossier was used as one of the evidence for the government to spy on President Trump’s staff.

The FBI used the documents alleging Russian connections to Trump campaign associates to convince the judge to issue a warrant to spy on former campaign aide Carter Page.

Former FBI Director James Comey cited the documents in his briefings with lawmakers these recent weeks as an information source which was used to boost the investigation.

So, Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid a firm to create false dossier against President Trump. Then they’ve used the documents to legally spy on him during the presidential elections.

This is a very well thought trick, which is extremely unethical and probably illegal, but then again we are talking about Clinton, ethics is not her strong side.

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