
Showing posts from February, 2018

Trump on Gun Restraining Orders: ‘I Like Taking the Guns Early’ – ‘Take the Guns First, Go Through Due Process Second’

While meeting with lawmakers on Wednesday, President Trump discussed gun violence restraining orders that would give law enforcement the ability to remove weapons from people who are reported to be dangers to themselves or others by obtaining a court order, but stated, “I like taking the guns early.” He further expressed openness to “take the guns first, go through due process second.” After Vice President Mike Pence referenced gun violence restraining orders, Trump stated, “Or, Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court. Because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like, in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms — they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” “Take the guns firs Sticks with NRA, Preserves Discounted Rate for NRA Members CEO Tim Hentschel says his company will stick with the NRA and continue to offer discounts to NRA members. Fox Business quoted Hentschel as he explained that staying with the NRA “is not about politics at all.” Rather, he said, “It’s about classic hospitality and not getting involved in a boycott war.” He added, “I know what it’s like to feel vulnerable and scared. It’s not about me, it’s not about personal beliefs,” he said. “It’s just about the right for businesses to honor contracts. I have a contract, and I will honor it, and I will stand by it.” Hentschel said he has been attacked personally for deciding to honor agreements with the NRA, that people have “accused him of being an out-of-touch, privileged CEO.” He quickly notes that he grew up living out of a car in utter poverty in Los Angeles before being adopted into a family that provided structure for him.’s decision to stick with the NRA comes just days after FedEx announced that it would

Warriors’ Stephen Curry Considered Meeting with Obama and Ditching Trump White House Visit

President Trump decided not to invite the Golden State Warriors to the White House to celebrate their 2016 NBA championship. However, before he made that announcement was made, Warriors star Stephen Curry was contemplating meeting with ex-President Barack Obama instead of visiting Trump’s White House. Curry was one of those Warriors who engaged in constant criticism of Trump in near-weekly verbal attacks, and his constant fusillades were some of the factors that caused the president to withhold an invitation to visit the White House. Indeed, as his teammates dithered on whether they would accept an invitation from Trump, and as Trump mulled revoking the traditional invite altogether, Curry apparently began making plans to take a meeting with Obama. It appears that Curry reached out to Obama to discuss what the team could to instead of visiting with Trump, ESPN reported: Over the coming months, Curry and former President Barack Obama had a discussion about what the Warriors could d

Dick’s Sporting Goods Announces End to ‘Assault Rifle’ Sales — Again!

Dick’s Sporting Goods made a February 28 announcement informing the public that the retail chain will end “assault-style rifles”–again. The retail chain made a similar announcement days after a gunman carried a stolen AR-15 and handgun into a gun-free zone and killed 26 innocents. On December 18, 2012, Breitbart News reported that DICK’S Sporting Goods was suspending sales of “modern sporting rifles,” a moniker that encompasses AR-15s, AK-47s, and similar firearms. CNN reported that DICK’S expunged “modern sporting rifles” from its website on the same day. Dick’s is now in wash, rinse, repeat mode. In the wake of the February 14 Florida school shooting they are again announcing an end to “assault-style rifle” sales: We deeply believe that this country's most precious gift is our children. They are our future. We must keep them safe. Beginning today, DICK'S Sporting Goods is committed to the following: — DICK'S Sporti

Something Very Special Is Happening To The People Showing Up To Honor Billy Graham At The US Capitol

The thousands of visitors paying respects to the late Rev. Billy Graham at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday were greeted by four special guests when they entered the Capitol Rotunda: Billy Graham’s son and three grandsons. Each person entering the space room under the Capitol Dome was treated to a private conversation with Graham’s eldest son, Franklin. The younger Graham followed in his father’s footsteps, and is a Christian evangelist and missionary. Franklin stood at the end of the room and shook the hand of every faithful person who entered. Mr. Graham told The Daily Caller, in between hugs and handshakes from beaming strangers, he “will stand here as long as I am able.” “These people stood outside for us and for my father,” he continued. “I will stand here for them. We love them and so does God.” Billy Graham’s grandson, Army Major Edward Graham, was in full dress blues for the procession and was thanked for his service often by those who showed up to honor his grandfather.

Roku Won’t Drop NRATV: ‘We Do Not Curate or Censor Based on Viewpoint’

Popular streaming device manufacturer Roku has refused to censor NRATV, following mob pressure and protests from Moms Demand Action. “NRATV promotes dangerous conspiracy theories, racially charged rhetoric, and violent demonization of the NRA’s political opponents,” claimed pressure group Moms Demand Action on Twitter, Saturday. “Tell Apple, Google, Roku and Amazon to #DumpNRATV.” NRATV promotes dangerous conspiracy theories, racially charged rhetoric, and violent demonization of the NRA's political opponents. Add your name to tell @AppleTV , @Google , @Amazon and @RokuPlayer to #BoycottNRA and #DumpNRATV — Moms Demand Action (@MomsDemand) February 24, 2018 In response, Roku refused to censor NRATV’s content, noting that they hadn’t broken any of Roku’s rules. “We share deep sadness about the recent tragedy that occurred in Florida. Our streaming platform allows our customers to choose from thousands of entertainment

Trump Stood Before Billy Graham’s Casket, Then Walked Up To It And Did Something Very Powerful

The most powerful members of the U.S. government, including President Trump, gathered in the rotunda of the capitol building Wednesday morning to pay respects to the late Billy Graham. Among them were the leaders of the House and Senate, high-ranking members of the administration the President and Vice President and First and Second ladies. Short remarks were given by Speaker Ryan, Leader McConnell and President Trump. Trump called Graham an “ambassador for Christ, who reminded the world of the power of prayer and the gift of God’s grace.” The first couple then laid a wreath at Graham’s casket on behalf of the Executive branch. After the Congressional chaplain said a prayer for Billy Graham, the Trumps approached the casket one last time before leaving. While standing solemnly at the casket, President Trump walked directly up to it. The president laid his hand on the casket in contemplation. For approximately ten seconds, Trump stood, head bowed, with his hand on the casket.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer: If You’re Hunting with an AR-15, ‘You’re Hunting Humans’

CNBC financial analyst Jim Cramer spoke in defense of Dick’s Sporting Goods’ unilateral “assault rifle” ban by suggesting that people who hunt with AR-15s are hunting humans. Cramer’s statement was tweeted by NBC Universal anchor Carl Quintanilla, then retweeted by Cramer himself: "These are HUNTING stores," says @jimcramer of @DICKS and its decision to end sales of assault-style rifles. "If you're 'hunting' with an assault-style weapon, you're hunting humans." $DKS @CNBC @SquawkStreet — Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) February 28, 2018 Cramer’s position on AR-15s and hunting is antithetical to the reality described by ATF Associate Deputy Director Ronald Turk, who says the AR-15 is “now the standard for hunting activities.” In fact, Turk says the use of AR-15s for hunting is so widespread that the ATF should take another look at previous studies on the gun and amend them. On January 20, 2017, the Washington Post published a “White Pa

Street Artist Skewers #MeToo with Three Billboards over Hollywood: ‘Oscar for Biggest Pedophile Goes to …’

Street artist known as Sabo is trolling celebrities ahead of Sunday’s Academy Awards, erecting three billboards that send searing messages to a town whose most powerful men have been accused of decades of sexual abuse. Photos of the three billboards, which are a play on the Oscar-nominated drama Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, emerged online on Wednesday, just days before hundreds of stars show up to celebrate themselves on Hollywood’s biggest night. “And the Oscar for biggest pedophile goes to…” reads one of the near-fifty-foot signs. “We all knew and still no arrests,” another billboard reads. “Name names on stage or shut the hell up!” another says, sending a message to the many celebrities expected to urge support for the #MeToo and Time’s Up anti-sexual harassment movements on the red carpet and from the stage. Sabo says, according to the Hollywood Reporter, that his billboards are “meant to criticize those who allegedly enabled sexual harassment with their silen

New York City Reaches $180,000 Settlement with Three Muslim Women over Hijab Lawsuit

New York City has reached a $180,000 settlement with three Muslim women after they sued the NYPD for forcing them to remove their hijabs for mugshots. The lawsuits, which sought to change the NYPD’s policy on Muslim women refusing to wear their head coverings in mugshot photos, were settled in Brooklyn federal court Monday, the New York Daily News reported. Each woman received a $60,000 settlement. The cases, dating back to 2012, began when a Brooklyn teen only known as “G.E.” was arrested for getting into a fight with two girls. When NYPD officers brought her to the 62nd precinct, they instructed her to remove her headscarf. The teen refused the officers’ orders, and was taken to a private room where a female officer took her photo separate from the men. After being taken to a Brooklyn jail for booking, officers informed her that they could not accommodate her request because no female officers could take the photo and the camera was in a fixed spot. The teen claimed that she fe

FL House Speaker Richard Corcoran: Obama-Era ‘No-Arrest Policy’ May Have Shielded Florida Shooter

An Obama-era “no-arrest policy” guideline for school discipline may have hindered the ability of authorities to prevent Nikolas Cruz’s mass murder of 17 persons at a Florida high school on February 14, said the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Richard Corcoran. Corcoran, a Republican from Florida’s Pasco County, made his comments on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel coordinated with the Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie to implement a school disciplinary guidelines — entitled the PROMISE program: Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Supports & Education — oriented around racial and ethnic quotas. Breitbart News’s Dr. Susan Berry reported: “The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed student

Joy Behar: Republicans Have a ‘Penchant for Nazis’

Monday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Joy Behar discussed the Conservative Political Action Conference and declared Republicans have a “penchant for Nazis.” Behar said, “The CPAC group invited this woman from France named Marine Le Pen whose father was a Holocaust denier, a total fascist and a Nazi, andMarine Le Pen the daughter thinks her father was good and right and everything else and they invited her.” She continued, “There’s this penchant for Nazis now, you know with Charlottesville and the neos, and they’re good guys on both sides, and now Marine Le Pen. It’s like a lot of the people in the Republican party that I remember, Bill Buckley, who fought in World War Two, Bill Kristol, those people who are so anti-Nazi are appalled by what’s going on right now within this party.” What do you think about this comment below. The post Joy Behar: Republicans Have a ‘Penchant for Nazis’ appeared first on Conservative Fighters . from News – Conservative Fighters

VIDEO: Bishop Aubrey Shines: Why I Stand with Laura Ingraham

Bishop Aubrey Shines says Fox News host Laura Ingraham is right to challenge Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James over his constant criticism of President Donald Trump, and argues that the NBA star should be applauding the president for bringing economic gains to black Americans. Shines says it’s unfortunate that James labeled Ingraham racist after she told him to “shut up and dribble,” instead of talking about politics. “LeBron used an expletive in describing the president, saying that PDJT doesn’t give a f*** about Americans, LeBron’s comments are racial in his overtones, as he is on record for not hiding this belief,” Bishop Shines said. “Just consider briefly had an American citizen who happened to be white used the athletic platform to espouse his or her believe that Barack Obama didn’t give a f*** about white Americans, they would’ve been ostracize by teammates/Owners/ media.” “I wonder where was LeBron and those athletic buddies of his when former President Barack Hussein Ob

Rocker David Crosby: ‘We Can Start Fixing America’ After ‘Impeaching the President’

Veteran rocker David Crosby said the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, has sparked a new activism that can lead to Democrats taking back majorities in Congress and the impeachment of President Donald Trump. “I am feeling more optimistic and it’s because of those kids. Those kids are convinced they can make a difference and they’re going to,” Crosby said in an interview with Variety of the students campaigning for more gun control after Nikalos Cruz killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with a legally purchased AR-15 rifle. “They’re standing up for the truth and they’re holding politicians accountable in spite of the fact that what the NRA has paid politicians is crazy,” the Crosby, Still, Nash, and Young co-founder said. “What is it, $33 million they put into their pockets this year? Their Congress is bought and these kids are not going to stand for that. They are going to raise hell and I am going to help them.” Asked what next, the Rock in Roll Hall of Famer s

Florida Lawmakers Reject ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Florida’s House Appropriations Committee voted Tuesday against adding an “assault weapons” ban to legislation currently being considered. Every Republican except State Rep. Bill Hager (R-89) voted against the ban. In #Florida the House Appropriations Committee voted Tuesday against adopting the assault weapons ban as an amendment to a gun bill moving through the Legislature. #DefendtheSecond — NRA (@NRA) February 27, 2018 The Herald-Tribune reports that committee’s action represents the second time in as many weeks that Florida House members have rejected an “assault weapons” ban. A ban was rejected by the full House last week. Other gun controls that are still making their way through the Florida House include increasing the minimum purchase age for long guns to 21-years and requiring a three day waiting period on long gun purchases. On February 23 Breitbart News reported that Gov. Rick Scott (R) supports increasing the minimum purchase age and imple

CNN Expert Defends School Shooters Against President Trump

CNN’s well-documented, seemingly pathological hatred of President Donald Trump has now reached the point where the far-left cable channel will publish a story relying on experts who defend school shooters against Trump. “In a tweet Thursday, President Donald Trump described someone who would shoot up a school as a ‘savage sicko,’” CNN reported last week, adding, “And at a White House briefing Thursday, the President again used the term ‘sicko.’” To attack Trump over this, the news site quotes Diana Rose, one of the article’s “experts,” who defends the Parkland, Florida, killer with the risible claim that the president is “insulting” a mass-murderer. “Rose said that calling the shooter a ‘sicko’ is ‘insulting’ and ‘mean-minded,’” CNN writes. That is a direct quote from CNN — “calling the shooter a sicko is insulting and mean-minded.” Keep in mind that this CNN expert is not saying that calling the mentally ill names is detrimental to the mentally ill’s mental health, but she says th

Barack Obama: ‘We Didn’t Have a Scandal that Embarrassed Us’ in My Presidency

Former President Barack Obama denied that his administration had any scandals that embarrassed him or his team. It is unclear why Obama clarified that there were no scandals “that embarrassed us.” “There were mistakes,” he admitted. “We’d screw up, but there wasn’t anything venal during eight years. I know that seems like a low bar, but you look at the presidency; that’s no small thing.” Conservatives remember the Obama years differently, citing the Fast and Furious scandal, the IRS scandal, wiretapping journalists, the terror attacks in Benghazi, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server for government emails. Obama’s speech at MIT was strictly off the record, but Reason acquired the audio. The former president also insisted there was not much drama either, thanks to his leadership and organization skills. “Typically speaking, you didn’t hear about a whole lot of drama inside our White House, and tha

Don Rosenberg on Oakland Mayor: Justice Department Should ‘Drag Her Ass into Jail and Prosecute Her’ for Shielding Illegals from ICE

The Department of Justice should prosecute Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf with federal crimes for her shielding of illegal aliens with “sanctuary city” policies, said Don Rosenberg, president of Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes (AVIAC), in a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak. Rosenberg’s 25-year-old son Drew was killed while returning home from law school in San Francisco, California, when he was struck by a negligently driving illegal alien in 2010. “[Libby Schaaf] should be immediately prosecuted for obstruction of justice and a violation of federal law title 8 U.S. Code § 1324,” said Rosenberg. “This woman has committed a felony. … The penalty for what she did is a minimum five-year sentence.” Schaaf’s recent warning to illegal aliens about pending ICE enforcement actions in Oakland could expose her to federal prosecution, said Rosenberg. “If [Libby Schaaf’s] alerting these people makes one of those people

Barbra Streisand Blames Trump for Florida Shooting: He ‘Brings Out the Violence in People’

Actress and singer Barbra Streisand took her criticism of President Donald Trump to a new level in an interview with Variety, in which she says Trump shares the blame for the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. “I think even that shooter was affected because Trump brings out the violence in people,” Streisand says, of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, earlier this month that saw Nikalos Cruz kill 17 people with a legally purchased AR-15 rifle. “He says, ‘It’s OK — rally, lock her up,’” Streisand told Variety of then-candidate Trump and a refrain he chanted about then-candidate Hillary Clinton at campaign rallies. The two-time Academy Award-winner also praised the students campaigning for more gun control laws in the wake of the Florida shooting. “I’m so proud of the children who are coming out and talking about sensible gun control,” she said. “That to me, the children, are our future. The children are going to make this happen. I believe that.” Indeed, Barbra

FL Speaker Richard Corcoran: ‘There Are Numerous Reports’ of a ‘Stand-Down Order’ to Deputies During School Shooting

The Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Richard Corcoran is investigating “numerous reports” alleging the possible issuance of a stand-down order to law enforcement during the earliest moments of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Corcoran, a Republican from Florida’s Pasco County, made his comments during a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak. Any issuance of a stand-down order would have likely come from Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, said Corcoran. “There are numerous reports that there was a stand-down order, and that would have come above either of the school resource officer that was in the school that failed to go in or the officers outside,” said Corcoran. “That would have come from above and probably been approved by [Sheriff Scott Israel], himself.” Issuance of stand-down orders are violative of established policy, said Corcoran: “It’s also against crisis protocol. If

Box Office Poison Jennifer Lawrence Begins Apology Tour: Democrats Were ‘Disgusting’ to Trump Voters

Actress Jennifer Lawrence shared her thoughts on the 2016 election with Vanity Fair, saying Democrats treated supporters of Donald Trump in a “disgusting” manner. In a wide-ranging interview meant to promote her upcoming spy thriller, Red Sparrow, Lawrence argued that Democrats made a “huge mistake” in their aggressive treatment of Trump supporters. “The Democrats made a huge mistake by chastising the Trump supporters, and that was disgusting to me,” the Oscar-winner said. “Of course they’re not going to vote for Hillary Clinton; they’re going to vote for Donald Trump. You laughed at them when their plight is very real.” Lawrence also revealed how President Trump’s victory invigorated her interest in politics. The Hunger Games star said she’s liberal and previously opted not to alienate huge swathes of her audience — as well as her Kentucky-based family and friends, who she admits don’t like her left-wing politics. “I’ve always thought that it was a good idea to stay out of politic

Chris Pratt Attacked after Sending ‘Healing Power of Prayer’ to Kevin Smith

Chris Pratt took to social media Monday to urge his followers to pray for Kevin Smith after the filmmaker suffered a serious heart attack Sunday night — only to be attacked by commenters who mocked the actor and questioned whether prayer was an effective way to respond to the health scare. The 38-year-old Guardians of the Galaxy star and openly religious Christian wrote Monday on Twitter that though he hardly knew Smith, he is a fan of his work and was praying for him to make a full recovery. Smith tweeted from a hospital bed early Monday morning that he had suffered a “massive” heart attack and had nearly died following a performance at a comedy show Sunday night. “Kevin we don’t know each other too good but I have loved you since Clerks and I’m praying my ass off for you cause I believe in the healing power of prayer. Can you please pray with me people!?” Pratt wrote. In another tweet, the actor said he’d been inspired when he saw Smith’s first film, the low-budget independent br

Everyone Is Talking About Melania’s White Dress At Governor’s Luncheon – Stunning

Melania Trump shined Monday in a gorgeous white dress at the annual luncheon for spouses of U.S. governors attending the National Governors Association winter meeting. The first lady entered the Blue Room at the White House in the sleeveless dress that went down past her knees. Trump spoke to the group for a few minutes and specifically addressed the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, two weeks ago. “Before I begin I want to be sure we take a moment to reflect on the horrific shooting in Florida,” the first lady explained. “Our continued thoughts and prayers go out to all who were affected by such a senseless act. As a parent I cannot imagine the kind of grief and tragedy like that brings.” “I have been heartened to see children across this country using their voices to speak out and try to create change,” she added. “They are our future and they deserve a voice.”   The post Everyone Is Talking About Melania’s White Dress At Governor’s Luncheon – Stunning appeared first

David Hogg Asking Followers to Boycott Amazon, FedEx Over Ties with NRA

Student David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, is calling on his newfound Twitter fan base to boycott Amazon and other companies over their ties to the NRA. On Monday morning, he directed them to boycott Amazon, tweeting: “So how else should we pressure @FedEx to end their relationship with the NRA? Same question for Amazon also I’ve been trying to cancel my prime membership along with everyone else that doesn’t want to support @NRATV how should we go about that? @amazon.” So how else should we pressure @FedEx to end their relationship with the NRA? Same question for Amazon also I've been trying to cancel my prime membership along with everyone else that doesn't want to support @NRATV how should we go about that? @amazon — David Hogg (@davidhogg111) February 26, 2018 He later followed up with a tweet saying, “I say we keep pressuring @amazon until they fully end their relationship with the NRA.” Hogg and other activists are calling for Amazon an

Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions

The Broward County school district’s adoption of a school discipline policy that was praised by the Obama administration for seeking to reduce the reported number of school suspensions, expulsions, and arrests may have played a role in the fact that Nikolas Cruz remained under the radar until his shooting rampage in Parkland, Florida, on February 14. “The facts pattern that has emerged strongly suggests it played a role,” Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden tells Breitbart News. “It’s not actually accurate to say that what Broward County did was the result of the Obama policy. It might be more accurate to say that what Broward County did was in some way the inspiration for Obama’s policy.” The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “scho