Larry King: Time to Repeal the ‘Poorly Written’ Second Amendment

Former CNN anchor-turned celebrity interviewer Larry King says he supports repealing the “poorly written” Second Amendment.

TMZ caught up with King in Beverly Hills and asked him what he thought about Stevens’ idea. King concurred with Stevens, saying it is time to repeal the “poorly worded” amendment.

King asked, “What do they mean by militia?”

He then transitioned to claims that the Second Amendment is tied to “southern Senators” who sought to “ward off slaves uprising.”

Historically speaking, it was gun control–not the Second Amendment–that southern Democrats used to control their slaves.

Breitbart News reported:

Democrat slave owners throughout the South fought to keep their slaves unarmed, so as to limit slaves’ ability to fight back. And as former slaves began to assimilate to society during the Reconstruction Era, Democrats used Black Codes to continue to keep them disarmed. Then, during the early 20th century, Democrats use laws against carrying handguns in public to keep blacks and poorer Americans from being armed in public.

The “May Issue” concealed carry process was used in the Democrat-run South to deny Martin Luther King Jr. a permit to carry a handgun for self-defense in 1956.

King’s comments come just two days after former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said a repeal of the amendment would be the sure way to get rid of protections on an individual right to bear arms. He called Parkland gun control activists to rally to “repeal the Second Amendment.”

On March 27 Breitbart News reported that the most recent poll on repealing the Second Amendment — a February Economist/YouGov poll — shows only 21 percent of Americans support a repeal of the Second Amendment. It takes three-fourths of the states to approve such an repeal, and that only happens after two-thirds of the House and two-thirds of the Senate sign off on it (or after two-thirds of the states propose it).

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