Lindsey Graham Believes Trump Will Reconsider His Foreign Policy in Syria, Unlike Obama

President Donald Trump had some people on edge after he announced his plans to withdraw troops from Syria, but Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told CNN on Sunday he is confident in the president’s decision making.

The president ruffled a lot of feathers when he announced that he would be removing American troops from Syria. Many with more hawkish foreign policy tendencies see this move as premature, fearing a withdrawal from Syria would be a repeat of former President Barack Obama’s failed exit from Iraq, which some argue allowed ISIS to form.

President Trump caught a lot of backlash from members of his own party, and his Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced he would resign to allow the president to pick a replacement that better aligns with his foreign policy.

Although Graham has been one of Trump’s biggest supporters as of late, even he called the move “ill-conceived” and compared it to President Obama’s foreign policy:

While Graham may be using harsh terms with the president, he told Dana Bash on “State of the Union” that he believes the president is open to hearing other options and will reconsider the decision.

Watch below:

“I’m going to talk to [President Trump] at lunch [on Sunday]. He has talked to [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] General [Joseph] Dunford. I got a call from General Dunford, and the president is reconsidering how we do this. He is frustrated, and I get it. People should pay more, and they should fight more, but we are not the policemen of the world, here. We are fighting a war against ISIS. They’re still not defeated in Syria. I’m asking the president to make sure we have troops there to protect us. Don’t outsource our national security to some foreign power.”

Graham said he will speak with the president during their lunch on Sunday to reiterate his calls to leave an American presence in Syria.

“I’m going to ask the president to do something President Obama would never do: reconsider,” he said.

Graham claimed he and the generals will discuss the timing of the withdrawal to ensure the exit isn’t done too quickly, further destabilizing the region.

“I want to fight the war in the enemy’s backyard, not ours,” said Graham.

Although Graham is adamant that Americans remain in Syria, that doesn’t mean every Republican is on board with his vision. As IJR previously reported, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) fully supports the president’s goal of removing troops from Syria.

The post Lindsey Graham Believes Trump Will Reconsider His Foreign Policy in Syria, Unlike Obama appeared first on Conservative Fighters.

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