
Showing posts from February, 2019

Equality? Male NCAA Track Star Switches To Female Senior Year And CLEANS UP

NCAA track star CeCe Telfer is cleaning up in women’s track, breaking records and racking up points for Franklin Pierce University. Telfer, notably, is a biological male who now identifies as a female. Last year, CeCe, then going by his birth name Craig, was a top athlete in the men’s division. Telfer is headed to the NCAA Championships on March 8-9, reports a website for Franklin Pierce Athletics. “Telfer has qualified in a pair of events, as she will compete in the 200-meter dash and the 60-meter hurdles,” reads the site, noting that Telfer has the “fastest time of the year in the 200-meter dash is 24.08 seconds, which was set at the Northeast-10 Conference Championships earlier this month. Her fastest time in the 60-meter hurdles is 8.33 seconds, which came in December, at the UMass Boston Indoor Open.She is ranked third in the country in the hurdles and seventh in the 200-meter dash.” The 21-year-old cleaned up last Sunday at Smith college, taking home three Northeast-10 Confere

Kamala Harris Defends Abortion Up To Birth: A Woman ‘Should Make That Decision’

So just how extreme is presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris? Extreme to the point of defending abortions up to birth. The California Democrat said in an interview on Wednesday that she believes a woman has a right to choose abortion all the way up to the baby’s birth. Her comments stand in line with the entire Democratic Party platform, which reared its ugly head this week when Senate Democrats successfully blocked the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. “I think it’s up to a woman to make that decision, and I will always stand by that,” she told TheDCNF. “I think she needs to make that decision with her doctor, with her priest, with her spouse. I would leave that decision up to them.” According to LifeNews, Harris not only helped kill the anti-infanticide bill on Monday but also helped sponsored a pro-abortion bill legalizing all abortions up to birth for whatever reason. “The so-called ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’ was introduced in Congress in 2017, with dozens

Ocasio-Cortez Hit With FEC Complaint Alleging She Laundered Money To Boyfriend

The Coolidge Reagan Foundation filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Wednesday alleging that socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) may have illegally funneled money to her boyfriend through an allied PAC. Fox News reports that the group alleges “in their complaint that when the Brand New Congress PAC (BNC) — a political arm of Brand New Congress LLC, a company that was hired by Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., to run and support her campaign — paid Roberts for marketing services, it potentially ran afoul of campaign finance law.” The complaint highlighted a report from earlier in February by Luke Thompson, who “published an article entitled ‘The Congresswoman Loves the Swamp. Her Wealthy Chief of Staff Used a PAC to Pay Her Boyfriend,’ on Medium, which parses FEC records to reveal evidence Ocasio-Cortez funneled money from her official campaign account to her boyfriend, Riley Roberts.” The complaint added: “The timing and amounts of these transactions, the u

NYT ‘Fact-Check’ Of Trump’s Born-Alive Baby Tweet Backfires

In a vote that has genuinely stunned many Americans, Senate Democrats shot down a bill Monday brought by Republican Ben Sasse protecting born-alive babies who survive botched abortions. The bill, the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” would have amended the criminal code to “prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.” While all present Senate Republicans voted for it, all but three Democratic senators voted against the bill, causing it to fail, 53-44. “If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws,” reads the bill. “Any infant born alive after an abortion or within a hospital, clinic, or other facility has the same claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn, or for any person who comes to a hosp

WATCH: Female High Schooler Speaks Out After Losing Championship To Two Transgender Sprinters

Connecticut high schooler Selina Soule appeared on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” on Tuesday night to discuss transgender athletes in women’s sports. Soule recently competed in a high-stakes competition where two biologically male transgender sprinters beat the field, taking first and second place by significant margins. Soule finished in 8th place, missing an opportunity to compete in front of college coaches by two places. “I am very happy for these athletes and I fully support them for being true to themselves and having the courage to do what they believe in,” Soule told host Laura Ingraham. “But, in athletics, it’s an entirely different situation. It’s scientifically proven that males are built to be physically stronger than females. It’s unfair to put someone who is biologically a male, who has not undergone anything in terms of hormone therapy, against cis-gender girls.” Ingraham, a former athlete at the same high school, jumped in to rhetorically ask what happens when transge

PHEW: Actress Jennifer Lawrence Announces She Has A Plan To ‘Save America’

Our political system may be broken, but we can all rest easier now knowing that “Hunger Games” star Jennifer Lawrence has a plan to save America from what she believes is uncontrolled government corruption. The Oscar-winning actress claimed late last year that she was taking a full 12-month hiatus from making blockbuster movies after completing work on the spy thriller, “Red Sparrow,” to engage more fully in political discourse and work to make big changes in America’s political system that would ultimately “save” it from “corruption.” On Wednesday, Lawrence (in partnership with an organization called Represent.Us) debuted “Unbreaking America,” which promises to be the first of several videos outlining her “plan to save America.” The 12-minute video features Lawrence lecturing on the subjects of gerrymandering, campaign finance laws, and voter registration. Of course, Lawrence hasn’t aligned with a right-leaning or moderate organization, and her solutions to America’s “corruption p

HUD Official Lynne Patton: Trump ‘Sees Success,’ Not Color Or Race

Fighting back against accusations from President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen, who testified before Congress on Wednesday to having witnessed the president make racist comments in private, HUD official Lynne Patton said that “the president judges people only by their skills and nothing else.” Speaking on “Fox & Friends” this Thursday, Patton said that President Trump “does not see color, race, creed, religion.” “What he sees is success and failure, and whether that manifests itself as a person, a place, a property, a restaurant, a TV show, a policy, a country, a community — he makes no differentiation,” Patton told hosts Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade, according to HuffPost. “That’s what makes people uncomfortable is that he doesn’t care what people think and he’s going to tell it like it is.” Lynne Patton previously worked as an event planner for the Trump family before being installed as the Department of Urban Development’s New York/New Jersey regional

Nancy Pelosi Smacks Down Alexandria Ocasio Cortez: The Green New Deal Is ‘Not What We Hope To Achieve’

Speaker of the House (and lead Democrat) Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) fired back at her new colleague Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wednesday, openly criticizing Ocasio-Cortez’s legislative masterpiece, the “Green New Deal.” Pelosi has been coy about her support for the GND (or lack thereof), calling the plan “enthusiastic” when it first debuted earlier in February, and has regularly distanced herself from Ocasio-Cortez — and she hasn’t tabled the Green New Deal for a vote, leaving it effectively dead as an answer to “climate change.” This week, though, Pelosi unleashed her characteristic subtle criticism on Ocasio-Cortez and her partner in the Green New Deal, Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), in an interview with a reporter from “Rolling Stone” magazine, who asked her why she had yet to allow House Democrats to dicuss the plan openly. “The Green New Deal,” Pelosi said, goes “beyond our charge.” and “is not what we hope to achieve.” “Now, in terms of the Green New Deal [as conceived], that goes b

Oprah’s Weight Watchers Stock Plummets, Loses $58 Million

Oprah’s Winfrey’s investment portfolio shrunk a few sizes on Tuesday after she saw that her WW program (formerly Weight Watchers) had dropped somewhere between $39 million and $48 million. According to Fox News, the stock dropped from $103 a share in June 2018 to $22 per share late on Tuesday. Oprah owns more than 5 million shares in WW, according to CNBC, more than 8% of the company. “The drop followed WW Chief Executive Mindy Grossman’s disclosure to analysts that WW would have fewer members in 2019 than in 2018,” reports the outlet. “Grossman blamed the company’s winter advertising efforts, saying they ‘did not drive consumers in the way we had hoped.'” In a statement on Tuesday, Mindy Grossman said that Oprah will be featured in WW’s future advertising. “Our marketing … needed to be more weight-loss focused, especially in the January season,” Grossman said. “Looking ahead, I’m happy to say that Oprah Winfrey will play a central role in our upcoming TV and digital marketing

MSNBC Interviews Crying Woman Claiming She Was ‘Afraid’ of Trump’s ‘Thank You’ Kiss

A former campaign staffer for President Donald Trump cried during an MSNBC interview because the president allegedly gave her a “thank you” kiss. Alva Johnson worked for Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, but she is now filing a lawsuit against the president for the alleged kiss. According to the accusation outlined in the lawsuit, Trump attempted to give Johnson a kiss to thank her for organizing a successful campaign rally in Florida with then-Sen. Jeff Sessions on Aug. 24, 2016. “He told her he knew she had been on the road for a long time and that she had been doing a great job,” the lawsuit states. “He also told Ms. Johnson that he would not forget about her, and that he was going to take care of her … “Ms. Johnson suddenly realized that Defendant Trump was trying to kiss her on the mouth, and attempted to avoid this by turning her head to the right. Defendant Trump kissed her anyway, and the kiss landed on the corner of her mouth.” It’s important to note that the meeting

Cohen Admits To Speaking with Democratic Party Before Testifying Against Trump

Michael Cohen, who formerly served as President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, told Congress on Wednesday that he and his team spoke with top Congressional Democrats before his testimony to the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Cohen said he spoke with Democratic Rep. Elijah Cumming of Maryland, who chairs the committee Cohen spoke to Wednesday, and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee. "What did you talk to Mr. Schiff about?" Cohen: "I spoke to Mr. Schiff about topics that were going to be raised at the upcoming hearing." "Woah. Not just what time to show up? Actually what you're going to talk about?" — Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) February 27, 2019 “We’ve spoken to the party,” Cohen said, adding that he spoke to Schiff “and his people” ahead of Wednesday’s hearing, according to Fox News. DON'T MISS THIS massive credibility bombshell. Cohen ADMITS to p

Attorney For Bladensburg Cross: I’m Excited About How Court Reacted To Oral Arguments Today

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case to take down the Bladensburg Cross outside Washington, D.C., called The American Legion v. American Humanist Association. Eric Baxter, vice-president and senior counsel at Becket, which is defending the cross, explained that he was excited about the judges’ reactions, as they seemed to resonate to the arguments in the defendants’ amicus brief that said the establishment clause must be interpreted according to its historical understanding. As Amy Howe explained at SCOTUS Blog, “The challengers say that the cross is an illegal government endorsement of Christianity, while its defenders counter that the cross is simply a secular war memorial. The justices’ eventual opinion will likely decide the fate of the cross, but the ruling could also clarify – or potentially even revamp – the Supreme Court’s test for resolving these kinds of challenges.” Howe continued, “The Constitution’s establishment clause bars the government fro

California Prof’s Remarks About Killing Cops Come To Light After Local Female Cop Is Gunned Down

A University of California, Davis, professor who has stated in the past that police officers should be killed and tweeted “it’s easier to shoot cops when their backs are turned” was finally criticized by the university for his remarks one month after a young female police officer from Davis was shot and killed in the line of duty. University of California, Davis literature professor Joshua Clover’s past history was brought to the university’s attention after comparative literature student Nick Irvin, outraged by the death of police officer Natalie Corona, exposed Clover’s remarks in an op-ed in The California Aggie. The University released a statement reading, “We find it unconscionable that anyone would condone much less appear to advocate murder. A young police officer has been killed serving the city of Davis. We mourn her loss.” Officer Natalie Corona of @cityofdavispd your life mattered. We stand with your family, @cityofdavispd , the Davis community & SPD Academy Class #1

WATCH: Meghan McCain RIPS ‘The View’ Co-Hosts For Infanticide Support: A Baby ‘Should Be Put Down Like A Dog’?

On Tuesday’s episode of the “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain confronted her fellow co-hosts about the Democrats’ abortion extremism in relation to Republican Senator Ben Sasse’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would legally mandate doctors to provide medical care to babies born alive after botched abortions. Senate Democrats blocked the bill, effectively going on record for state-sanctioned infanticide. McCain acquainted “The View” audience with the bill and highlighted that all Senate Democrats, save three, voted to block the bill. “So that means these Democrats believe that a baby born, after a botched abortion, should not receive medical care,” she said. “If Democrats want to win an election, going forward, are you going to be the party of late-term abortion? The party of infanticide?” McCain asked, later adding: “If you think that is how you win back the White House, I’m here to tell you I’ve spent a lot of time in red states. I’m from a red state, and that i

WATCH: Here’s The Moment That Got Some Reporters Barred From Trump-Kim Dinner

After his initial meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam on Wednesday, some American reporters began shouting questions about convicted felon Michael Cohen’s testimony against Trump in front of Congress this week. While Trump ignored the questions in the moment, they didn’t go unnoticed. According to multiple reports, those reporters were barred from attending a follow-up dinner — and some promptly took to Twitter to complain about it. Here’s the moment that prompted the reported ban for certain members of the press: Trump ignored a reporter's question about Michael Cohen, as Cohen, his former attorney, prepares for his first day of public testimony on Capitol Hill while Trump meets with Kim in Vietnam — POLITICO (@politico) February 27, 2019 “It was a moment of diplomatic stagecraft months in the making. But it didn’t take long for President Donald Trump’s domestic troubles to get in the way,” Pol

Former Bernie Sanders Aide Calls Team Clinton ‘Biggest A**holes In American Politics’

They’re like a cranky old couple bickering and snippering at each other in Ikea as they clash over whether to buy the Gronkulla or the Knutstorp. Bernie Sanders, 77, and Hillary Clinton, 71, are back at it again, squabbling and wrangling over Every. Tiny. Thing. And not a moment too soon. The curmudgeonly socialist from Vermont is ramping up his 2020 election campaign and the grumpy, caftan-clad grandmother is mulling her options. Bernie, of course, has reason to be sore after his 2016 loss to Hillary in the Democratic Party primaries. Early on, Team Clinton essentially took over the Democratic National Committee, which then made things very difficult for Sanders. “If the fight had been fair, one campaign would not have control of the party before the voters had decided which one they wanted to lead,” Donna Brazile, the former DNC interim chairwoman, wrote in November 2016, days after the election. “This was not a criminal act, but as I saw it, it compromised the party’s integrity,

WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Suggests Mark Meadows Is Racist. He Flattens Her.

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) slammed Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on Wednesday for suggesting that he was a racist during the House Oversight Committee hearing of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen. Tlaib’s accusation came after Meadows invited Lynne Patton, a top Trump housing official who is black, to attend the hearing in order to push back on any accusations that Trump was racist. “Just because someone has a person of color, a black person, working for them does not mean they aren’t racist and … the fact someone would actually use a prop, a black woman in this chamber, in this committee is alone racist in itself,” Tlaib said as she took aim at Meadows. “Meadows, a Trump ally and head of the conservative Freedom Caucus, immediately demanded a retraction,” The New York Post reported. “Getting emotional, Meadows said his nieces and nephews are people of color and he rejected any notion he’s a racist.” WATCH: WATCH: This exchange at the Cohen hearing says so much about America right no

Cohen Claims He Didn’t Want To Work In White House. CNN Decimates Him.

A CNN panel slammed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty last year to lying to Congress, for claiming on Wednesday that he never wanted to work in the White House. Cohen made the claim in an exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) during a House Oversight Committee hearing. “How long did you work in the White House?” Jordan asked. “I never worked in the White House,” Cohen responded. “That’s the point, isn’t it, Mr. Cohen?” Jordan replied. “You wanted to work in the White House, but you didn’t get brought to the dance.” Cohen claimed that was not true because he was “extremely proud to be personal attorney to the president of the United States of America.” CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash slammed Cohen over his remarks, saying that he was not being honest with his response. “I think the issue there is that one sentence: ‘I did not want to go to the White House.’ All of our reporting suggests that’s not true,” Tapper said. Bash noted that everyone “witnessed this in

Virginia Governor’s Wife Handed Cotton To Black Students, Told Them To Imagine Being Enslaved, Report Says

Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam’s wife allegedly handed raw cotton to black students during a tour of the governor’s mansion last week and told them to imagine being slaves and being forced to pick the cotton. The Washington Post reported that the allegation came from a Virginia state employee who said that “her eighth-grade daughter was upset during a tour of the historic governor’s residence when first lady Pam Northam handed raw cotton to her and another African American child and asked them to imagine being enslaved and having to pick the crop.” “The Governor and Mrs. Northam have asked the residents of the Commonwealth to forgive them for their racially insensitive past actions,” said Leah Dozier Walker, the Director of Equity and Engagement at Virginia’s Education Department, in a letter to lawmakers on Monday. “But the actions of Mrs. Northam, just last week, do not lead me to believe that this Governor’s office has taken seriously the harm and hurt they have caused A

WATCH: Woman Claims Planned Parenthood Doc Said They’d ‘Break The Baby’s Neck’ If Born Alive

In the wake of New York’s late-term abortion laws and the Democratic Party’s refusal to protect babies born alive in a botched abortion, pro-life advocacy groups have been working around the clock to inform the public that babies are indeed at risk of being murdered in full-view on an abortionist’s operating table. A recent video from Pro-Life Action Ministries features a woman admitting to having an abortion doctor promising to “break the baby’s neck” if she were to have a botched abortion. According to LifeNews, the woman was 22 weeks pregnant at the time she visited a Planned Parenthood in 2017, saying she chose to keep her baby after it survived an injection of digoxin designed to stop the heart. “If you guys were to take him out right now while he’s still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?” the unnamed woman recalls asking the abortion doctor in the video. “She told me that we don’t tell women this, and a lot of women don’t even ask this question,