Cohen Claims He Didn’t Want To Work In White House. CNN Decimates Him.

A CNN panel slammed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty last year to lying to Congress, for claiming on Wednesday that he never wanted to work in the White House.

Cohen made the claim in an exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) during a House Oversight Committee hearing.

“How long did you work in the White House?” Jordan asked.

“I never worked in the White House,” Cohen responded.

“That’s the point, isn’t it, Mr. Cohen?” Jordan replied. “You wanted to work in the White House, but you didn’t get brought to the dance.”

Cohen claimed that was not true because he was “extremely proud to be personal attorney to the president of the United States of America.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash slammed Cohen over his remarks, saying that he was not being honest with his response.

“I think the issue there is that one sentence: ‘I did not want to go to the White House.’ All of our reporting suggests that’s not true,” Tapper said.

Bash noted that everyone “witnessed this in real time that this president probably more than any other, if he wants somebody in the White House, they’re there.”

“You know, Reince Priebus and John Kelly probably didn’t want Omarosa to be working in the White House and other people, but they were there because the president wanted it to be so,” Bash continued. “So if Michael Cohen and the president really wanted it to happen, more importantly the president, it would have happened and he wanted it.”


apper and Bash were not the only ones that slammed Cohen over his claim as numerous Republican officials and close associates to the president weighed in on Twitter.

Trump ally Dr. Darrell Scott tweeted: “Michael Cohen asked…no, BEGGED me REPEATEDLY, to ask the POTUS to give him a job in the Administration! He’s STILL lying under oath!”

Citizens United President David Bossie tweeted: “Michael Cohen asked me to support his effort to be Chief of Staff when I helped run the Presidential Transition Team. He perjured himself today.”

Donald Trump Jr. weighed in on Bossie’s tweet, writing: “I told you that #cohen lobbied dozens for the job and was totally dejected when he didn’t get it. That he could once again lie under oath is almost as sad as him thinking he would ever actually get the job.”

Republican strategist Arthur Schwartz tweeted: “Cohen: “I didn’t want to go to the White House.” LIAR. He complained to me on numerous occasions about the fact that POTUS didn’t offer him a job at the WH. #CohenTestimony”

“Everyone on or around the campaign either heard him talking about a job in the WH or heard the jokes about him thinking he was up for a job in the WH,” Schwartz added. “He’s a professional liar — he can’t help himself. #CohenTestimony”

Bruce LeVell, a member of the President Donald J Trump 2020 Advisory Board, tweeted: “I was shocked that Cohen even asked me about a job in @WhiteHouse , I stated ‘aren’t you @realDonaldTrump attorney’!!!!!”

The post Cohen Claims He Didn’t Want To Work In White House. CNN Decimates Him. appeared first on Conservative Fighters.

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