PHEW: Actress Jennifer Lawrence Announces She Has A Plan To ‘Save America’

Our political system may be broken, but we can all rest easier now knowing that “Hunger Games” star Jennifer Lawrence has a plan to save America from what she believes is uncontrolled government corruption.

The Oscar-winning actress claimed late last year that she was taking a full 12-month hiatus from making blockbuster movies after completing work on the spy thriller, “Red Sparrow,” to engage more fully in political discourse and work to make big changes in America’s political system that would ultimately “save” it from “corruption.”

On Wednesday, Lawrence (in partnership with an organization called Represent.Us) debuted “Unbreaking America,” which promises to be the first of several videos outlining her “plan to save America.” The 12-minute video features Lawrence lecturing on the subjects of gerrymandering, campaign finance laws, and voter registration.

Of course, Lawrence hasn’t aligned with a right-leaning or moderate organization, and her solutions to America’s “corruption problem” center on a few key points that also, conveniently, appear in Democratic and progressive platforms.

She wants universal voter registration for all Americans when they turn 18, an end to gerrymandering (but probably only the kind that ultimately benefits Republicans) and an end to corporations’ involvement in the political process (though it’s clear she’s referring only to dastardly capitalist enterprises, and not, say, the mutli-million-dollar union slush funds that finance Democratic campaigns).

Represent.Us is similarly concerned with “ending corruption” in the form of corporate “mega-donors,” who they say subvert public opinion with large political donations.

Lawrence encourages viewers of “Unbreaking America” to visit Represent.Us and commit to supporting one of the group’s many “American Anti-Corruption Acts,” at the federal, state, or local level. Represent.Us goes on to highlight its anti-gerrymandering pledge, and, of course, its voter registration drives.

Ironically, according to the Capital Research Center, for an organization hell-bent on getting money out of politics, Represent.Us is supported by some of the most generous political donors on the Left, including the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation and the “Park Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, and many other left-of-center groups. In 2016 alone, Represent.Us received over $5 million in donor contributions and grants.”

Unsurprisingly, those same organizations fund groups that participate heavily in the political process, often to the tune of millions of dollars in campaign donations.

Each of the foundations and funds listed above have contributed over $100,000 to Represent.Us. Funding from these groups also goes to support the work of Black Lives Matter, Media Matters, Demos, Planned Parenthood, and other like minded organizations.

Planned Parenthood, for example, which Lawrence also supports, has given tens of millions in campaign donations to political candidates who support its abortion-on-demand platform. Oddly enough, Lawrence doesn’t seem to target Planned Parenthood in her list of problematic corporate campaign donors.

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from News – Conservative Fighters


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