Painting Of Trump’s WH Team ‘Crossing The Swamp’ Sets Off Frenzy
>Not many people know this, but Washington, D.C., used to be a swamp. It is now, figuratively, but it once was, literally. If you’ve been to D.C., you’ve rolled down the eight-lane-wide Constitution Avenue. That used to be the Washington City Canal, and ran from 1815 until the 1850s (it once connected into the C&O Canal). During its decline, it served as a sewer, filled with human waste. The mosquitoes were horrible. So Alexander “Boss” Shepherd ordered it filled in, and it became the city’s grand boulevard. But President Trump brought the swamp back into vogue when he vowed to drain it (figuratively). And now, he’s flooded the city again by starring in a new painting called “Crossing the Swamp.” Artist Jon McNaughton posted the painting on Twitter on Tuesday. My new painting – “Crossing the Swamp” “Never give up. Never lower your light. Never stop till the swamp is dry.” – Jon McNaughton For a list of figures in the boat: